To celebrate 50 years of crafting memorable premium cigars, the Trinidad brand has teamed up with AJ Fernandez to create a spirited cigar that captures the essence of what cigar-making is all about. It is aptly called the Trinidad Espiritu (Spanish for spirit). A Nicaraguan puro from its fetching, natural-colored wrapper to its exquisite long filler tobaccos, the Trinidad Espiritu is a handmade, medium-strength cigar. From first puff to last, the Trinidad Espiritu offers a rich complexity of flavors that hints of citrus, vanilla, and pepper.
- Brands : Trinidad Espiritu Series.
- Origin : Nicaragua.
- Strength : Medium.
- Wrapper Color : Natural.
- Single Packaging : Cellophane.
- Rolling Type : Handmade.
- Cigar Manufacturer : AJ Fernandez.
- Cigar Wrapper : Nicaraguan.
- Binder : Nicaragua.
- Filler : Nicaragua.