To create a memorable experience for the cigar enthusiast is Alec Bradley’s main goal. The Magic Toast exceeds that goal with no sleight of hand. An enchanting blended Nicaragua/Honduras filler is placed in a Nicaragua/Honduras binder which is then draped by a dark, rich Honduras wrapper to create a taste and aroma that is no trick and all treat. A medium strength cigar, the Alec Bradley Magic Toast is handmade in Honduras by Raices Cubanas, a manufacturer known for make exceptional cigars. Be sure to stock up the Alec Bradley Magic Toast in your humidor because this is one stick you will want to smoke time after time.
- Brands : Alec Bradley Magic Toast Series.
- Origin : Honduras.
- Strength : Medium.
- Wrapper Color : Maduro.
- Single Packaging : Cellophane.
- Rolling Type : Handmade.
- Cigar Manufacturer : Raices Cubanas.
- Cigar Wrapper : Honduran.
- Binder : Honduras, Nicaragua.
- Filler : Honduras, Nicaragua.